With Oxjam now upon us, we thought it would be a good idea to give you our readers a little insight to some of the artists' and acts here are few of the acts at a glance: Interviews conducted by CreativeHappen London duo Anita & Michael.
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Paul Lisak Photo courtesy of Paul lisak http://www.paullisakmusic.com/ |
Performing at the Joiners Arms @ 22:00
How did you all meet?
We all live in Leytonstone 5-10 minutes away from each other. Paul is the lead singer there are 4 members, druumer, basist, guitarist and keys. Bassist has been in the band for 4 years, keyboard player 6 months and the drummer has been with us for 1 1/2 years. We all met locally and we have been playing with this line-up for 6 months.
How is it all working?
It's working well, fanastic 'no egos' and were all local.
How did you com up with the name of the band?
As I am a Painter and Artist we were looking for a name something that had'nt been used before, being a artist I have an extensive range of books in my collection in my studio and I came across a post ice age book. Which sounded llike a good name. As it was evocative of many things, in business things are changing rapidly, so it's cool to be something dfferent! a title of the book, different and edgey.
How would you describe your sound?
We are a Rock band, guitar driven with synths and melodic heavy vocals we have been classified as post prog rock by our manager. A wall of sound, that still remains melodic and as beautiful as possible
What are you main influences?
Very varied, based on the background of the band, some are asian, Polish, and English, Jimmi Hendrix, Radiohead, classical music- Beethovan, Bach, Ravi Shankar Muse and a love British Rock.
Who is your musical hero?
Jimmi Hendrix.
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
Andrew our manager sent us to the Oxjam website, we liked it and we though it interesting to be part of it, local but national, good, charity exactly the sort of thing we like to do.
Whats next after Oxjam?
On the28th Oct. we have a gig in Mile End and Victoria then touring in spain and poland 2012 and generally with our manager doing more new stuff industry stuff which is really important.
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Ozonna. Photo by: Michael Mapp @Miss Magou's Studio |
Performing @ The Tiger 15:30
How Long Have you been playing music?I have been playing music for about 4 years started with writing and just starting playing.
Is Ozonna your birth name?
Yes it is!
What does it mean?
Farther's Title, or something like that.
How long have you been performing live?
I would say four years I started out just going to open mic nights around london and progressed to live gigs.
How would you decribe your sound?
Quirky POP.
What are your main musical influences?Pop/Indie. Marina and the diamonds, Mika quite a lot of people.
Who is your musical hero?
I would say Madonna.
What made you decide to do oxjam?
I thought it was a good opportunity and it for a good cause so theres no reason not to.
Whats next after oxjam?
I just shot my music video which should be out soon .
And what's the track title?
"I love me." Should be out some time in december.
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Soneni & Elmo Photo by Michael Mapp @Miss Magou's Studio |
Performing @ The Crooked Well 18:00
How did you Meet?
I was producing funk with soul at the time, Sonneni a solo artist and I met through the scene I gave Sonneni some tracks and we then worked together on Star Struck which was received well by 1xtra even before the track was completed. We really wanted to get out there and start performing as a band although we took a while to find a sound what we wanted, to convey the message we wanted best way. Ricardo is our drummer who we also met through the seen, Chris the Gutiarist we met through Gum Tree a good place to find musicans. In January we came up with the current name.
How would you describe your sound?
We are still growing as a band and evloving our sound. House inspired indie Soul.
Our first tracks were clasified as house although they were not what would be classed as conventional house ultimately, but still it mantains a soulful element.
What made you decide to do Oxfam?
The whole concept was a big factor, the ability to use your gift to do good.
Sonnei came across Oxjam a few years ago, and always wanted be a part of it. This year it was to be so, after Michael Armstrong Meet the band at an EP Launch in Notting Hill.
What does Oxjam men to you?
Artists coming together collectively, sharing their gift and creativity. An excellent way to convey community and unity. This is a good time for Camberwell and also celebrating good things about London. They mentioned the good line up so its a good networking day to meet like minded artists.
What's next after oxjam?
Gigs, Uk unsigned hype in November along with a few live sessions performing songs they like with artists we like. We are recording Nov/ Dec. We also have new single My Life out next January, a very soulful track similar to that of Love my London.
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Abigail Hardiman. Courtesy of Abigal Hardiman. |
Performing @ The Tiger 23:00
How long have you been performing?
well 4 to five months.
How are you finding it?
Some gigs are great and some are really difficult depending on audiences promoter's etc so quite a challenge especially being on my own.
How would you describe your sound?
its is very much acoustic sing song writer. it has been described as very thought invoking.
What are your main influences?
Classical Music in terms of my melody.
Who is your musical hero?
Well not so much anymore but Jesse Lacey of Brand New I grew up to his lyrics and song I don’t really like there music any but in terms of lyrical content that really affected me through my adolescence.
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
Well I got asked to do it I had never really thought of applying for it but it was really cool to be asked to play, you know its a great cause a great event I was a bit shocked to be asked really. I wouldn’t have put my self forward for it as I’m not really established, so it was lovely to be asked.
What is next after Oxjam?
Continuing my circuit venue and honing me craft basically! Its all practice, getting much more comfortable on stage you know handling situations better, you know with, say a dodgy promoter not being nice to me, me not being so sensitive about it and recording an EP.
Ruby Tuesdees
The Phoenix- Camberwell @ 7.45 pm.
Chris Walker- Drummer
Sam- Front Man
Both Present.
How did you guys come up with the name?
Well RubyTuesdays buy the Rolling Stones was a title that we really resonated with us so we changed Tuesdays to Tuesdees as we are brummies and like to be different.
How did you guys meet?
We played together initially when we were 16-17 back then we were a 3 piece band, and then we split up and went different ways Chris wanted to be a cheif, but in 2010 we reformed.
How would you describe your sound?
Powerful, we like to make people dance and keep people on their toes bringing a suspence to our music, and change, keeping it interesting, they are happy type of people.
What are your influences?
We have the same musical tastes, punk, Chicago Blues, Early Punk, Garage Punk, Rock and Roll and we are like a mish mash of these influences together. We started as originally a blues cover band and developed our sound and stepped away from being generically blues
Who are your musical heroes‘?
Chris John Bonham - Led Zepplin
Sam-Eric Clapham
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
Simply the Raw talent playing on the bill. Such a big charity Oxjam help so many people
And it’s a nice opportunity to network with Other artists like at the young comedian Matthew, and future groove we loved there stuff on line.
What does Oxjam mean to you?
We have always done charity gigs, such as help the heroes’ happened to be our first gig, loved to help out charities close to both of them keen cash for kids in Birmingham.
How would you describe your Sound/Band?
Band and music is about high energy, fun band take musical influences an put an artistic twist on them.
What’s next after Oxjam?
We will be back in the studio Recording an EP for release 2012 get back on the road gigging again, secure good support slots with bands that are better than us EP in late Jan 2012.
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Antarma Photo by Michael Mapp @ Miss Magou's studio |
Solo Artist:Antarma
Performing@ Tiger 4.30pm-5.00pm Busking & the Phoenix @5.45pm
How did you come up with the name?
I was called Armageddon Assassin when I was younger I was around 11-12 years old used it when I was into rap. When I started working with conscious lyrics I changed my name. I combined the Armageddon and Antony my name to come up with my current name Antarma. At the time I didn’t know what Antarma meant, but I really liked the name, it felt as though it was from within and from the heart. I managed to find out the meaning from people that work with san script and found out it means within, so I feel blessed.
How Long have you been performing?
For roughly 11 years in total, when I was 14-15 was doing festivals in the west country in the alternative scene. I have played in London in squats. As Antarma I have not been gigging a lot, my biggest set was in 2006 when I played in Portugal in a world music festival along with acts such as Kannan
How would you describe your sound?
Acoustic, hip hop, Reggae or it could be described as conscious lyrics or heart-centred reggae influences along with heart-centred hip hop chant.
What are your main influences?
I have quite wide influences, the source of life the heart.
When I was younger it was rap say 6-7 years of age, along with Rock, I like Wu Tang, Coolio- Gangster paradise was my first performances, one mum said, “your gonna be a rapper when your older”. More recently KTempest, Disreali, Kannan, Paradox and of course Bob Marley. I like Radio head and Bjork even though you cant hear it in my music. I like traditional music san script, African, Amazon Rain Forest music along with Indian and Brazillian music. Only from the heart really and Celtic and Irish Music.
Your Musical Hero?
I have some, Mutea Fataea Khan, Chester P and Akala.
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
Oxjam I was approached by Oxjam staff and really happy to be supporting and doing something for a good cause.
What does Oxjam mean to you?
It’s a good cause, I like supporting young people and have two children and into charities and community work I have run workshops with teens and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in Southwark. I have been using hip hop and chanting using positive lyrics for healing purposes to inspire change. I like working and interested in sustainable projects.
In one short sentence summarise what your music is?
Music that is a vehicle for healing drum beats from the heart, hip hop and chanting.
What’s next after Oxjam?
On the 29th October I play at LA Roots (formally planet Hollywood) Camberwell green. I am going to try to get my music out there and continue spreading the message of peace love, and strength.
I work with children and will continue working with children from nursery age and above teaching yoga classes and drumming.
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Tamara Stein. Photo by Michael Mapp @Miss Magou's studio |
Performing @ The Crooked Well 19:15
How did you come up with your name?
Tarama Stein is my normal name the idea of the baroness was born from an operatta Bernstein’s Candide the aria is sung by Cunegonde, daughter of the Baron of Thunder-ten-tonckh, obviously the title Baron never existed in Germany, it is “Freiherr” and his daughter would be titled “Freiin” and the Leitershofen was added to my name when I copied an old neighbour of mine Freiin Julia Dorothea Helena von Schenk zu Schweinsberg, Leitershofen is a small town in Swabia where my great great grandmother used to own the manor house.
How Long Have you been Performing?
I have been performing in Cabaret since 2008 and I started singing Opera in 1999. All in all I have been “Onstage” for 25 years as a professional. I started very young. We had a performance in my after school club and because I was in the first year in primary school, I was not really considered for anything. I was very upset about it to the surprise of my surroundings; my mother, my teacher even my class mates. So they let me join in. Just a small part, which I then nearly wasn’t able to do due to an accident and a subsequent stay in hospital. But even then I new “The Show Must Go On.”
How would you describe your sound?
I call myself a light lyrical coloratura soprano or a traditional Viennese Soubrette (a light high flexible young soprano with a pretty face and good acting skills).
What are your main influences?
Irish-British mezzo-soprano Ann Murray and the Finnish mezzo-soprano Monika Groop. Two very different voice, but wonderful performers. Also Mady Mesple and Lucia Popp. And I love Mozart’s Opera’s, there is hardly one I do not like. I also took strength from Beethoven’s Opera Fidelio when I was younger and still do. And more.
Who is Your Musical Hero?
Mozart!!! Mozart Rocks!
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
I am involved with a lot of charity project and charity concerts in the UK and I run my own charity project called The Opera Diva’s Challenge in aid of Sentebale a charity based in Lesotho. The charity provides bursaries to the most vulnerable children; orphaned girls and of course HIV positive children, to help with school uniforms etc.
What does Oxjam mean to you?
I think it means two things for me. I can bring my art form to people who normally would not even consider listening to opera and can help to educate people about the work Oxfam does. It is a great charity and they do very valuable work. To me it is one of the major charities in the world.
In one short sentence summarise what your band/music is?
A unique experience- you need to see it to understand it, words cannot describe it.
What’s next after Oxjam?
A Photo shoot with photographer Sin Bozkurt. I got a new costume from a lovely emerging Spanish designer, Sara Gonzales Nava, which was inspired by circus aerial performers of a gone by age. Sin and I want to preserve a momentum for posterity before the everyday life of a costume kills it.
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Daniel kelly (DKEL). Photo Courtesy of Daniel Kelly. |
Performing @ The Phoenix 19:10
Who is your musical hero?
Jimmi Hendrix, Michael Jackson and Notorious BIG.
What made you decide to do Oxjam?
I thought it was a great way for different musicians to come together and a good way to raise money.
What does Oxjam Mean to you?
Well I think it’s a good opportunity to share my music with people that may not have been into that genre of music and its for a global its positive.
In one short sentence summarise what your music is?
When an Urban sounds meets Colombia.
A very special thank you to our dear friend Hanan Magou, for loaning us your studio for the day.
View Miss Magou's amazing Kaftans here>>> http://www.missmagou.co.uk/
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